By Integrated Marketing Platform | November 29, 2021 | INTEGRATED MARKETING, MARKETING STRATEGY,

Your Exit Strategy: Five Marketing Strategies To Maximize Valuation
You’ve invested years growing your company and are proud of what you’ve accomplished, but you’re ready to hand over the reins to someone else. Full Story: Forbes
Keys To Creating A Solid 2022 Marketing Budget
As we begin to wrap up 2021 and head into 2022, I know many of us are breathing a sigh of relief after the challenges we’ve overcome this year. Full Story: Forbes
Connecting Marketing And IT To Transform UX
Chief marketing officers (CMOs) have gained ground in the C-suite and often hold a seat at the table when companies define and pursue strategic decisions. Full Story: Forbes
Creating a More Progressive Digital Marketing Strategy
Marketing teams are increasingly under pressure to stand out from their peers at a time where the proliferation of consumer platforms is complicating outreach efforts. Full Story: CMSWire
4 Obvious Signs Your Business Stands To Benefit From Influencer Marketing
Remember the time when it seemed like every major brand would hire a well-known actor or athlete to plug their products on TV? Full Story: Forbes
How to Set Long-Term Marketing Goals for B2B Organizations
Marketing is complicated. As the new year looms, planning your marketing budget and activities is top of mind for B2B marketers and leaders. Full Story: Business 2 Community
How To Make Marketing More Magical And Powerful
We, humans, are complex, messy and varied. A cosmos of 7.9 billion individuals with unique personalities, mindsets and emotions. Even identical twins are different. Full Story: Forbes
Business Activity Makes My Building Unsafe. What Can I Do?
Commercial space in a residential building may be permitted, but by law, your safety and well being come first. Full Story: The New York Times

How To Grow Your Instagram Followers And Increase Your Online Business Sales
Digital marketing is an important aspect of any business, especially for online businesses. Full Story: TechDay
How To Create Social Media Marketing Strategies Inspired by Top YouTube Gamers/Influencers
According to Global Media Insights, YouTube is the second most popular social media platform and the second-largest search engine, after Google. Full Story: Business 2 Community
Step Up Your Social Media and Blogging Strategy with These Expert Tips
Social media and blogging are two powerful options for communicating with customers. There’s a good chance your business already uses one or both of these strategies. Full Story: Small Business TrendsBusiness Activity Makes My Building Unsafe. What Can I Do?
How To Convert Conversations Into Leads On Social Media
Social media has never been a hotter avenue for marketers to venture down than it is today. Full Story: Forbes

Google: Bolded Text Can Help Your SEO
Bolding important pieces of text in a paragraph can improve a webpage’s SEO and make the content easier for Google to understand. Full Story: Search Engine Journal
Does The New ‘You’ Search Engine Stand A Chance Against Google?
The new search engine has set out to end the days of Google domination with enhanced privacy, no ads, and an innovative new design and layout. Full Story: Screen Rant
Keyword Stuffing Can Kill Your SEO: Here’s How to Avoid it
Your website depends on SEO, especially when trying to have your website rank for specific keywords. Full Story: London Post
Fresh Content As A Google Ranking Factor: What You Need to Know
Does Google consider content freshness as a ranking factor as it compares your content against others to find the best answer for searchers? Full Story: Search Engine Journal

6 important tips for holiday season mobile marketing
The holiday season presents an abundance of opportunity for mobile marketers. And that’s truer now than ever. Full Story: The Drum
3 things consumers want from retailers
Consumers want more than general loyalty programs, enjoy shopping at one-stop destinations and love brands that offer an easy return process. Full Story: Retail Customer Experience
16 Essential Considerations For An Effective Business Mobile App
The increasing ubiquity and use of smartphones provide businesses today with a unique opportunity: Full Story: Forbes
How to grow your small business with a mobile app
If you’re a business owner, a mobile app has probably crossed your mind at some point. Full Story: The Salt Lake Tribune

5 Different Types of Digital Signage
Five types of digital signage and how they can be used. Learn how businesses are using digital signage to attract customers and increase sales. Full Story: Onrec
5 reasons why your business needs digital signage
Nobody can deny the impact technology has had on business operations across the globe. Full Story: Augusta Free Press

Five Email Marketing Tips For The Holiday Season
Every day, our inboxes are full of emails from brands and people that require us to quickly scan and make a split-second decision about which ones are worth our time and which ones are not. Full Story: Forbes
3 Cold-Email-Marketing Tips to Get More Clients Fast
You can’t just send emails and hope for a response. Full Story: Entrepreneur

9 Essential Ecommerce Site Optimizations to Boost Holiday Sales
Check out these proven tips for driving higher average order value and conversions to sale on your ecommerce site this holiday season. Full Story: Search Engine Journal
Structuring Google Ads Campaigns for Success
Google Ads has implemented many changes this year. Most involve more automation. Google has streamlined the setup for how keyword match types trigger ads. Full Story: Practical Ecommerce

Tips When Including PR In Your Marketing Budget
During the pandemic, many businesses facing uncertainty came to me and asked, “Should PR be included in my marketing budget now that all events are on hold?” Full Story: Forbes
8 Key Performance Indicators for PR — What Really Matters?
There’s no gold standard for tracking and measuring PR success, but these KPIs can paint a clearer picture of a campaign’s results. Full Story: Entrepreneur

Market Research Results: What Dietary Expectations Do Millennial Travelers Have?
Food trends change every few years. The 2010s brought us quinoa, the Millennial-staple avocado toast, imitation meat products, and keto became a lifestyle for some people. Full Story: Hospitality Net

WordPress Template Plugin Vulnerability Hits +1 Million Sites
WordPress plugin by the makers of Astra Theme patched an XSS vulnerability that can lead to total site takeover and attacks on site visitors. Full Story: Search Engine Journal
AI Tools That Are Changing The Game for Small Business Owners
Small business owners regularly make the following mistake. Full Story:

AI is revolutionising this industry. Right investments could lead to big profits
Several AI applications are gaining traction in how businesses are pushing innovation and developing business strategies. Full Story: Mint
How Happiness Technology Is Affecting Our Everyday Lives
When the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) comes up, it often elicits varied responses. Full Story: Entrepreneur

Three Strategies For Improving Your Marketing Analytics
Data has become both a blessing and a curse for marketers. Full Story: Forbes
Elevate Your App Campaign Game with Marketing Analytics
Mobile marketing goes hand in hand with data analysis. Full Story: Analytics Insight

The 3 Pillars of Building a Successful Brand on Amazon
Find out why a strong brand is vital for an Amazon seller’s success in 2022. Full Story: Entrepreneur
How To Use SEO To Build Brand Awareness
Ever had a dream of starting your own brand? Or, do you already have a brand, but it’s not getting the recognition it deserves? Full Story: Scoop Empire

What Is Natural Language Processing?
Amazon’s voice assistant, Alexa, uses NLP to understand commands and act accordingly. Full Story: Fossbytes
How to Change Google Assistant Voice
This tutorial is about the How to Change Google Assistant Voice. We will try our best so that you understand this guide. Full Story: BollyInside